financial goals 2022

Setting Financial Goals That Stick in 2022

We are well into fall! The time change is here (UGH), and it’s now dark outside at 5 p.m. It’s the time of year that I feel like shutting things down, cozying up to a fireplace, and thinking about the holidays with a mug of warm apple cider spiked of course. 

These are the last few chapters of the year, and the story of 2021 is winding down. But like many books I have read lately, the story doesn’t end, and the sequel will be out soon.

How will your 2022 be different from 2021?

What do you want to be different?

happy new year 2022I want to be more organized, more grateful, more patient, take more trips, meet more people, and yes, I want to make more money. AND I want to help you make more and keep more of what you have.

Many things are changing and have changed in our world over the past couple of years. 

The changes will continue. There are many smart people out there working to keep us informed and up to date on how we can function and thrive with and through all of the changes. We must maintain our sanity (sometimes a tall order), listen to our gut, and make our plans based on the information in front of us. We MUST NOT bury our heads in the sand and hope that everything will be ok. 

To have what you want, you must plan. If you have read the last few newsletters, you will be getting the sense of a theme. Planning and action are must haves for all of our lives to work. Much more time should be spent thinking and planning so that our actions can be purposeful and directed. 

I recently joined a new group led by John Assaraff, founder of Neurogym. I work a lot on my mindset and dig deep to find my limiting beliefs. We all have them. When we don’t realize what they are and how they affect us, they keep us stuck in our comfort zones, and we can’t reach our fullest potential. 

I highly recommend spending some time reflecting on your 2021! Get alone, get cozy, reflect on the past year, all of it… the good, the bad and the ugly. No judgment; you are only looking to gain perspective. What do you want more of, what do you want A LOT more of and what can you let go? Spend some time with this exercise, and write down your thoughts. 

Next, let’s plan how to get the things you want more of in your life, especially those things you want A LOT more of. 

If money is one of those things for you, I would love to help. Yes, of course, I would like you to invest, but I would also like to be the safe space to talk about your money fears and dreams. I would like to help you plan and plot your course for 2022 to be your best money year yet!

financial planning goalsTo help you get started, check out the Beyond Money Summit with my friend, Lianne Hannaway. The summit is happening virtually on November 18 & 19. I have met so many amazing, intelligent women through Lianne and most of them will be presenting at the Summit. I’ll also be guest speaking and highlighting all of the ways you can invest in building wealth that lasts.

Did you hear the buzz?! I have a chapter in Ignite the Hunger in You that will be published soon. I share my story from urology to real estate investing and how it has changed my financial future. Pre-order Ignite The Hunger in You Book and register for the Summit Dec. 9-11. Use promo code GETHUNGRY for a discount:

Check it all out, and let’s get 2022 started right! 

Please remember to use me as your sounding board and know that my desire for you is to have everything you want out of this one life. If I can help, I am more than willing…simply book a call with me.



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