Life Lessons from the Greatest Salesman in the World – Part 2

A couple of weeks ago we spoke about the first five scrolls from The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. We discussed how while we may not realize it, we all deal in sales in some manner.

Likewise, while we are not all enrolled in school in the traditional sense, we are all pupils. All that surrounds us offers to teach us something should we choose to tune in and accept the lesson. As Mr. Mandino said: “Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.”

For example, each day we have an opportunity to learn from our colleagues, our environment, and our own mistakes. If you read the book or the scrolls we outlined last time, you know that there is also much wisdom to be gained from the lines of The Greatest Salesman in the World.

Today we continue the discussion as we dive into scrolls six through ten:


Scroll 6

Today I will be the master of my emotions.

“Inside me is a wheel, constantly turning from sadness to joy, from exultation to depression, from happiness to melancholy.”

emotions on a color wheel
I like the picture of my emotions being on a wheel. Now I can picture the next one coming around, as long as I keep rolling. Remember that this applies to those that we come into contact with daily. At the moment that you connect with them, they may not be with positive emotion. It does not mean that when you come back, they are the same. It is good practice not to judge another by one encounter.


Scroll 7
I will laugh at the world. With everything going on in the world, right now, this one can be difficult. Recognizing the words “right now” is the key. This, too, shall pass.

As we talked about with emotions, nothing is permanent. We can be concerned, we should do our part to make things better, but maintaining an understanding that it will change, is key.

girl with book and quote "And So long as i can laugh never will i be poor


Scroll 8
Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold. This one took me a bit to understand. Mr. Mandino likens a person to a grain of wheat. The grain faces one of 3 futures. It can be fed to animals; it can be grounded to flour to make bread or be planted to grow more wheat.

Unlike wheat, we have a choice as to what we make of ourselves. Which would you choose? I am going to go for planting and becoming more. Seeds are planted underground into the darkness of the earth. Our failures, disappointments, ignorance, and inabilities are our darkness. By working through them and learning, we can grow and become better.

Failures are the feedback that you need to course correct. They help in our efforts to become the best version of ourselves.


Scroll 9
I will act now. “My dreams are worthless; my plans are dust; my goals are impossible. All are of no value unless they are followed by action.” Nothing happens without action.

Sometimes you must act when you do not know which way to go or what action to take. Sitting and thinking do not move the needle. You must move, act, and course correct as necessary. You will only reach your destination with action.


Scroll 10
I will pray, but my cries for help will only be cries for guidance. Rather than pray for things, the author recommends praying for guidance to obtain those things.

According to CNBC, winning the lottery got people into more trouble, since bankruptcy rates soared for lottery winners three to five years after winning. The same with things, becoming the person you have to become to acquire things makes it much more likely to keep them.

Pray for the guidance to help you attain the things that you want.


Now that you have overviewed the last five scrolls, ask yourself what each point means to you. How can you apply Mr. Mandino’s teachings to aspects of your life?

Consider adapting your mindset to that of a student and continuing about your day with that same openness and curiosity, then take inventory of the lessons life offers to you.woman sitting outside taking notes



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