passive investor

So You Want to Be a Passive Investor … Now What?

It’s the time of year when I really start thinking about what I want to do. I look back at those goals that I set for myself for the year and see where I am. Do I still want that? Am I on track to hit my target? Do I need to change the course altogether?

goals typewriterMany years ago, I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It was a real eye-opener for me. However, it was the quadrants that made the biggest impression. I decided at that time that I needed to be an investor and business owner.

Great! Decision made. Now what? 

For me, it took several years to get the courage to make that first real estate investment. It took a friend challenging me to buy a property. She said she would buy it if I didn’t. It took even longer for me to get to the business of real estate investing and building my syndication business.

jumping in sunsetWhy did it take years to make a move after I made the decision? Well, I had to read and study real estate investing. Then I had to think about all of the possible horrible scenarios.  What if I bought a property and lost everything? I would look stupid, people might laugh. Then, my friend came along,  the one that ultimately challenged me to buy my first property. If she had been in my life earlier would I have moved faster? 

I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that the answer is yes. Having someone guiding you that you trust is a way to move faster. Knowing someone who knows the ropes, has lived in the space you want to move to, will give you courage.

Think about it. 

When you are doing your scariest things, do you want to be alone? 

Not me. I want at least one person around to catch me, cheer me on, tell me it’s going to be ok. Someone that will be able to relive the experience with, whether good or bad.

women on computerSo, if you have decided that you want to invest in real estate passively but don’t know what to do next, I have a suggestion. 

Step one, download 7 Steps to Building Resilient Wealth. Look it over, get an idea of what will happen if you move to step 2. 

Step 2, talk to me, set up an appointment. Not for me to give you an investment, but to help you work through the process, ease your fears. 

By the way, the fear does not go away completely. Kind of like riding a roller coaster, the one you’ve been on so many times. The thrill, the fear is still there, right? But you do it anyway.






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