Want More Money? Invest With a Team

If you’ve been following Money with Mission for a while, you know multiple streams of income are important, but you may be wondering how to get started. It can be scary thinking about adding another thing to your to-do list.

To be honest, I was hesitant when my husband wanted to buy our first rental property. At the time, we let it go— I had too many other things to do. Over the next few years, I became increasingly dissatisfied with my medical practice, and one of my patients pushed me to invest in our first property. We were off to the races!

Since that time, I’ve learned a lot, and I became a real estate syndicator. I’m doing this because I understand the importance of multiple streams of income and the tax benefits of owning real estate. Most importantly, I understand the challenge of investing with everything else going on in our lives.

How do you evaluate a real estate syndicator, and how do you know it’s a good investment?

With real estate syndication the most important element is actually not the deal, it’s the people behind the deal. You want to get to know the person handling your money— the syndicator. This Forbes article will give you a good idea of what you’ll want to know before you hand over your dollars.

I’m evaluating several operators at this time, and I’m looking at their track records and characters. Most I have known for some time and have a great deal of trust in their ability to deliver a great return on your investment.

Let me help you!

I am putting together the Money with Mission Fund 1 to invest in socially-impactful projects across the country. You may invest through me, or if you prefer I’ll put you in contact directly with the operator, and you can invest with them.

Schedule a call. Let’s figure out where you are going and the best way to get you there. After all, traveling is better with a friend.




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