build wealth and financial legacy

How to Build Wealth and Create a Financial Legacy

When was the last time you sat down and asked yourself if you’re actually living the life you want, or if you’re really in the process of creating the legacy you want to leave?

For most people — especially working mothers — the constant worry about day-to-day life, not to mention the worry brought on by the pandemic, overrode the ability to daydream or consider big picture questions, but it was that very same uncertainty that left many of us questioning everything
working mom

Many express trepidation and concern about things like financial insecurity, family obligations (especially child and eldercare), and the fear of trying and failing. 

Arundhati Roy, an author best known for her novel The God of Small Things, talked about the pandemic as a portal in a recent Financial Times article:“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly with little luggage, ready to imagine another world.”

Are you ready to imagine another world for you and your family? One where you know that you are financially prepared for most of life’s surprises… the ones that keep you from being able to live as you desire?

What do you desire? Ahhh, the hard question. If you are like me, you desire to be ready, as much as possible, for the surprises. You have lived enough to know that they will come, and you don’t want to be caught completely off guard (like the last time). Having financial security and income from sources other than your job where you trade time for dollars, takes planning. It also takes moving and following the plan. Then it takes reassessing your plan and pivoting.

woman financially freeAll of these require action! Are you ready to plan and really think about where you want to be in the next year, 5 years, 10 years?

If you haven’t already done it, download 7 Steps to Building Resilient Wealth. It is a workbook, designed to help you get in alignment with your financial and investment goals. If you’re ready to explore income opportunities, schedule a call. I’d love to help!




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