Spring Time!

Spring Time!

It’s springtime in Money with Mission Land. Ok, it’s springtime in the entire northern hemisphere and that includes Money with Mission Land. I love Spring, the only thing I love more than Spring when it comes to weather is warmth all year round, like we had in Hawaii. Spring is good, everything seems to be…

Ready For Vacation?!

Ready For Vacation?!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Are you tired? Tired of wondering what’s going on with the stock market? Tired of wondering whether inflation is going to take your retirement? Tired of not understanding the jargon being thrown around. Believe me, you are not unintelligent, it’s on purpose. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. I want to…

The Woman King

The Woman King

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “We are Agojie, we do not act alone, we move with one purpose, Alone you are weak. Alone you are killed or worse.” For those of you who don’t recognize it, it’s from the movie The Woman King. The general (Viola Davis) is speaking to a young recruit who has just disregarded orders and done what…

Lets Collaborate!

Lets Collaborate!

Have you ever thought about collaborating with anyone? Do you truly understand what this means? Dictionary.com defines collaboration as working, one with another, to cooperate, much like authors do in a literary work. John Spencer’s video on cooperation vs collaboration shows the difference. Cooperation begins with mutual respect and collaboration begins with mutual trust.  



Being resilient is a concept that is tossed around quite a bit these days. According to the dictionary, being resilient means having the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Having capital is one way to be resilient. But what kind of capital? The more capital you have, the better off you can be. When creating resilient wealth you can…