Have you ever thought about collaborating with anyone? Do you truly understand what this means? Dictionary.com defines collaboration as working, one with another, to cooperate, much like authors do in a literary work.
John Spencer’s video on cooperation vs collaboration shows the difference. Cooperation begins with mutual respect and collaboration begins with mutual trust.
Cooperation requires transparency, collaboration requires vulnerability.
Cooperation = shared goals, collaboration = shared values.
Cooperation is independent, collaboration is interdependent
Cooperation plus collaboration means deeper work, more innovation and better quality.
We can certainly cooperate without collaborating. We do it all the time. For example, in the office. We cooperate to get patients seen, surgery done with as few problems as possible.
Collaboration comes into play when we are working with our teams to brainstorm on more efficient ways to get our day done. Everyone has a say, everyone’s opinion is valued and respected. The solution may be something that no one person would have come up with on their own.
When it comes to your finances you may be in a cooperative type situation. You see what you want to do and only know so many ways to achieve your goal. You can only imagine what is already in your data bank. For example, you may be able to imagine paying off your mortgage or being debt free.
What if you found a community, a team with shared values? A team of people with whom you developed mutual respect and values. You even felt you could be vulnerable with them. Top it all off with a ton of laughs. Collaborating with a group will help you come up with solutions that you would not have thought of on your own.
Money With Mission is forming this community. I’m excited to collaborate with you to help you achieve your dreams. Click below let us know that you are interested. No commitment, yet. Those who express interest early will get amazing discounts and bonuses once we launch.